I'm officially face revealing on live announced be

라이브 예고
I'm officially face revealing on live announced because last time I showed my face for the first time no one thought I was doing it early so I'm doing it on an announced live and please do not expect me to be pretty cause that isn't the expectation here and it will never be and a few of people have seen my face because I felt comfortable with showing it to them and so I'm face revealing to everyone!! 🙃

発表ライブで正式に顔公開するのは、前回初めて顔を公開したとき、誰も私が早くやっているとは思わなかったので、発表ライブでやりますが、私の顔を見た人は数人しかいなかったので、その人たちに見せることに抵抗がなかったので、全員に顔公開します!! 🙃
