EVENT 本日23時から!賞金20万円【第25回金のお茶爆 決勝戦ルーレット会場】🍵 INFO 【期間中は1枠が1時間に拡大】 ユニットリレー配信応援キャンペーン🎁

To all of the fans.. we love you, appreciate you a

To all of the fans.. we love you, appreciate you and need you more than ever^^ Everything we do is for you all. Each step that is taken towards progress is carefully planned out with each and every one of your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and stories that some of you have shared with us. Our Music is YOUR music, we do this for you and for the passion of sharing our world from our perspective through music. We thank you very dearly indeed. -DC #2TM #RamuneSquad
